“When you really invest in [non-romantic relationships], especially as an adult, you really get something else out. My relationships with my parents, my friends, and my brother, have been phenomenal, because I have the space and time for them.”*

“As a single guy, I am able to have a different flavor of the week, or even a different flavor of the day, whereas if I was in a relationship I wouldn’t be able to have that much play time.”*

“I like the lifestyle of singles better because I like to have control, to do what I want."*

“I have a lot of friends who live in a quasi-communal situation where there’s always lots of people around, people I have known for many years and have close relationships with.”*

“You can be alone and happy, or you can be with somebody and be miserable…"*

“being single, just going out and just meeting people, having my own time. I stay out as late as I want, there’s a lot of freedom… freedom to go to as many yoga classes as I like.”*

“I think people who are over 50 who have never been married are secure in their level of self-awareness. They know what is it that they want, they know what it is that they don’t want, and they don’t have time for anything that’s not one or the other.”*

"[I’ve developed] a lot more confidence, being a woman… you really just give honestly a lot less of a shit about things. I just don’t care about that specific thing that would have been such a big deal 5 years ago. You let a lot less bother you than you would have when you were younger”*

“Being single… inspires you to invest more in the friendships and other relationships you have, like with your family… And I also have the space and time to make new friends, do new things, invest in myself.”*

"I’ve joined a volleyball club. I’ve got on my bicycle and ridden. I’ve gone swimming. I’ve joined choirs. I’ve gone to church. I’ve connected with the community in different ways…. I think I’m just more socially active….”*

“We don’t have that many responsibilities… We can take risks without having to jeopardize anybody else… I don’t have mouths to fill, so I’m able to take chances and I’m able to do maybe things that normal people who have 9-5 jobs and need to keep those 9-5 jobs, and they wish they could, you know, quit and go crazy and have fun and experience life.”*

“I can do whatever I want to without checking with my spouse. Lots of time for my friends and family and whatever activities. Build whatever life I want.”*

"I made too many compromises in my previous relationships that held me back from doing what I wanted to do, and I realized it made more sense for me to do what I wanted to do, as opposed to waiting for somebody else to go along with me."*

“Consider it a non-romantic, non-sexual crew of people that you rely on, for anything.”*

"The sense of community here is really, really strong. It’s almost like a family."