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Singles Awareness Day: The benefits of being single

An increasing number of people around the world are opting to go solo. The number of American men and women who have never been married, are divorced or living alone has been on an upward trend for several years, according to the US Census Bureau.

Despite the fact marriages or relationships are less common these days, being single continues to have stigma and feelings of loneliness attached, no more so than on Valentine's Day. Feeling of loneliness among singles not yet having found "the one" still abound.

However, recent research shows that some people view singlehood as a happy destination rather than a stop on the journey to marriage.

The research by Dr. Elyakim Kislev, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, found that if you're single, you can redefine the concept for yourself: You don't have to be lonely, and you're not a failure. Being single can be an advantage instead of a source of agony, he believes.

Kislev analyzed US and European databases and conducted interviews to examine trends in singlehood and what made some singles happy, finding that for some, happiness was a choice lifestyle or something they came to accept.

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