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I Became a Widow at 25

At 25, I joined a club I never wanted to be part of: the young widows' club. After nine short, perfect months of being married to the man of my dreams, he passed away in a tragic accident on our farm. It's been more than a year now and I'm still struggling, but I'm very thankful for our love story. If I can help even one person by sharing it — and remind them that they will smile again one day — talking about this is worth it.

I met Ethan while attending Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky, just a few months before graduating with a degree in Animal Health Technology. We became friends on Facebook and I started seeing his name pop up daily. Every time I saw his picture, I wanted to get to know him more. One night, a few months after I'd graduated and moved to Nashville to work at an emergency veterinary hospital, he liked something new I posted. I thought, How do I know this guy? He's so cute. I messaged him, and he eventually asked me on a date to ride horses on his farm about an hour away in Cadiz, Kentucky. I love animals, so of course I agreed!

©2017 by Happy Singlehood. 


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